Cheryl Anderson: Success with Your New Year’s Resolutions
Have you ever made a New Year’s Resolution you didn’t keep? We are going to get real today as we talk about some of the reasons why we fail to keep our resolutions and then some ways to achieve our goals. This conversation with Cheryl Anderson with Gain Clarity Coaching and Consulting is power-packed with practical tools and tips to overcome the obstacles that keep us from keeping our resolutions and succeeding in our goals.
Why people fail with resolutions: 1. People are not clear on their goals. 2. People get overwhelmed. 3. People don’t know their why. 4. People get discouraged. 5. Growth is not a linear process.
To achieve goals: 1. celebrate wins. 2. Share with someone. 3. One day at a time. 4. Know your why. 5. Think about your thinking.
Cheryl Anderson is a licensed psychotherapist with over 31 years of experience. She lives in Florida with her husband and they have two adult daughters. Her passion is coaching and encouraging people to lead themselves well.