Dawn Sanders: Creating a New Life After Your World Falls Apart

What do you do when the world as you know it is over? You can wallow in grief and misery or you can walk through the pain to a new normal. Dawn Sanders knows what it is like to walk through heartbreaking loss to a new beginning. She shares the steps she learned about creating a new life from the story of creation in Genesis and her book, When Your World Ends: God’s Creative Process for Rebuilding a Life. 

Dawn M. Sanders (MDiv, Bethel Seminary) is an associate minister at First Baptist Church of Glenarden where she serves as the director of the sermon-based life groups ministry. Her passion is expository teaching and sharing the wonderful insights God has shown her in his Word. She does this through writing weekly discussion guides for the life groups as well as teaching several in-depth Bible studies. Dawn has written and taught extensively on overcoming adversity and creating a new life, both at church and on her personal blog.

What is your start-over style?


*“God’s got us as long as we remain connected to Him.”

“Just because we might feel disconnected from God, doesn’t mean He’s disconnected from us.”

*“That’s the first gift He gives us in life, is time. Time to live our lives.”

“Create space to breathe. Create space for your emotions.”

“He’s gonna call us to move into that vision. But beforehand, He’s gonna place us in a season of preparation.”

“If you’re here, if He woke you up this morning, He has something else for you.”


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