Sue Donaldson: Leaving A Beautiful Legacy of Hospitality

What sort of legacy do you want to leave? Do you even think about what legacy you are leaving with everything that you do? Legacy is not just stuff. Legacy is more about the memories and the lessons you leave with loved ones. Hospitality can be a way to leave a lasting legacy. Sue Donaldson is passionate about hospitality and legacy. We talk about why she feels so deeply about hospitality, combating loneliness, and the difference between hospitality and entertaining. We also talk about what sort of legacy we leave behind and why it’s important.

Speaker, author, podcaster, Sue Donaldson and her husband, Mark, live in San Luis Obispo, California. Sue taught high school English, part of the time in Brazil with Wycliffe Bible Translators. She and her husband, Mark, have raised 3 daughters who keep them at the bank and on their knees. Sue loves connecting people to one another, to God, and to His Word, and has been speaking for the last 20 years or so with long pauses for babies, diapers and soccer pasta parties. She blogs at and hosts a weekly podcast: WELCOME HEART: Living a Legacy Life-

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*“Hospitality is a command by God, but it’s for our good, as all His commands are. I call it self-serving sanctification!”

*“Jesus and God and the Spirit, they’re a trinity, so they’ve always had community. And we are to reflect Him in that.”

*“Solitude is the positive side of being alone. And loneliness is the painful side of being alone.”

“Hospitality makes the guest the main focus. Entertaining makes yourself, the hostess, the focus…. Entertaining is to impress. Hospitality is to serve.”

“Everything we do is legacy, whether it’s positive or negative.”

1.     What kind of legacy do you think you’re leaving right now for those who know and love you?

2.     What are you doing about it right now?

3.     What obstacle did you have to overcome?


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